Thursday, 18 August 2011

Thing 5- Reflective practice

As I had my PDR (Professional development review) last week, which is all about reflection, I thought this topic woould be good to start. I suppose it's not until you stop and think that you realise how much you've achieved and how much you've learnt.

12 months ago it felt link there was a massive void in my knowledge on things like social networking, and not I'm pretty good at twitter, even explained what it was to someone the other day. With CDP, I seem to have found my love of twitter again.

As September is almost here and I will be leading on the LRC inductions, it's time to reflect previous years, what went well and what needs to be improved. Having no training/ advice on how to set up an induction, I created a one hour talk, tour and task session. Which seemed to go really well, the tour was a bit of a lull, but it provided students with a chance to see the whole of the LRC and what it has to offer them. But I did feel a little strange walking in to the quiet study room, saying "this is the quiet study room" a bit like an estate agent. The only issue I had was with the IT, either the laptops lost wifi connection, the system would crash on the LMS only has 10 licences, so getting 20 students online, while still having the self service machine up and running as well as two members of staff working was always going to be tricky. So instead of running around trying to fix three IT issues at once, this year I will be doing a 30 minute induction, which will be talk, tour and informal wander around. The latter part will also be helped by another member of my team, so the students get to know more than one person.

Overall I am pretty pleased with the inductions and the students enjoy it too, NSS results are (for the third year running) very good for the LRC. Long may in continue.

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