Tuesday, 5 February 2013

What will I and won't be doing in the next 12 months

I've just been asked the question, what 3 things will I and won't I be doing in the next 12 months.

What will I be doing?

  1. Building my team, I have recently employed 2 new members of staff. So I will need to integrate them in to my team, as well as take up my place as the head of the department returning from maternity leave. To do this, I will set up team meetings, discuss what I expect and let the team speak. 
  2. The library will be moving so I need to research and visit other instituions to see what is hot in libraries at the moment. 
  3. Improve the online aspect of the library, I'll be doing this for several reasons. Firstly, for what ever reason I feel we are slightly behind other instituions, having online resources will aid the students in 24 hour studying. This is to include eresources, ebooks and journals.
  4. Ok, this is cheating adding in a fourth, as I only said I would do 3, but I want to complete my chartership.
What I won't be doing 
  1. Worrying so much, so that I am loosing sleep. So far my career has gone in the right direction, there are changes ahead, which I have mentioned above, but I need to trust that all will end well. 
  2. Listening to office gossip, mostly untrue and very distructive. 
  3. Keeping so quite, I need to speak up more.